Venezuela: 18 ambassadors accompanied the AN in session this Saturday


The Venezuelan Parliament today challenged the National Constituent Assembly at its first session since this body was attributed its legislative powers

With their presence they reaffirmed the support of their countries to a Chamber stripped of the little power that already had by the ANC, to which it does not recognize a good part of the international community.

Among the countries represented in the Federal Legislative Palace were Spain, Holland, Chile, Italy, Germany, Austria, Argentina, Poland, Mexico, France, United Kingdom and Portugal.

The session served for ratify that, despite the suspension of its powers, it will continue to operate as the "sole holder of the legislative  power" and against the "usurpation of popular sovereignty" by the ANC.


Speakers reviewed the measures taken by the Government and the Supreme Court since the opposition's absolute majority in December 2015, which resulted in the annulment of the legislative and control capacity of a private legislature from all economic allocations.

Some of them denounced the ANC's decision as the culmination of the process to circumvent the popular will and dismantle the only power not aligned with President Nicolás Maduro, which the government is carrying out.

According to Vice-President Freddy Guevara, the ANC's assumption of Parliament's powers aims to circumvent parliamentary control necessary for the approval of new international economic agreements which, in its view, would allow the Chavista leadership to follow Enriching.